
Silver Hand Pickups makes boutique guitar pickups ranging from vintage inspired classics to forward thinking innovations. Like everything Cole Music Co. produces, our designs are steeped in years of high-end vintage expertise and perfected through our geeky enthusiasm for science. Every pickup we make is hand wound in the USA.

If you are boutique guitar builder looking to create that perfect tone, or a guitar store looking for something unique for your discerning customers, we're here to help with unique wholesale options and pricing. Contact us at to start the conversation. 


Missing Link From $149.00
Coming Soon

Missing Link + From $149.00

Missing Link ++ $149.00

Missing Link S From $149.00


'62 Strat From $79.00
Coming Soon

'69 Strat From $79.00

Strat + $79.00


'78 Tele Bridge $89.00
Coming Soon

'52 Tele Neck $89.00
Coming Soon

Tele S Neck $89.00
Coming Soon